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Management is the process of directing and coordinating the work of a business, institution, or other enterprise. Management may also refer to:

1. The people who do the work of running an organization

2. The act of managing a business or organization

3. A department in a company that deals with matters such as human resources, production and logistics

In the business world, management is a term used to describe the act of overseeing or controlling a company or organization. The word comes from the French verb "managier" meaning "to manage".

There are many different styles of management, but there are two main types:

1. Autocratic management - in this style, managers make decisions and give orders without input from others. They tend to be more dictatorial and less collaborative than other types of managers.

2. Democratic management - in this style, managers involve their employees in decision-making processes and encourage them to voice their opinions on how things should be done. This can be done through regular meetings, surveys or by just talking to people about what they think needs to change at work.

Management is an organizational process that involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

There are two major types of management:

- Management by objectives (MBO) focuses on the process of setting goals and then taking action to achieve those goals.

- Management by exception (MBE) focuses on monitoring performance and making decisions when needed.

The two types of management can be used together or separately.

Management is the process of directing and coordinating the work of a business, institution, or other enterprise. Management may also refer to:

1. The people who do the work of running an organization

2. The act of managing a business or organization

3. A department in a company that deals with matters such as human resources, production and logistics

In the business world, management is a term used to describe the act of overseeing or controlling a company or organization. The word comes from the French verb "managier" meaning "to manage".

There are many different styles of management, but there are two main types:

1. Autocratic management - in this style, managers make decisions and give orders without input from others. They tend to be more dictatorial and less collaborative than other types of managers.

2. Democratic management - in this style, managers involve their employees in decision-making processes and encourage them to voice their opinions on how things should be done. This can be done through regular meetings, surveys or by just talking to people about what they think needs to change at work.

Management is an organizational process that involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

There are two major types of management:

- Management by objectives (MBO) focuses on the process of setting goals and then taking action to achieve those goals.

- Management by exception (MBE) focuses on monitoring performance and making decisions when needed.

The two types of management can be used together or separately.
