Vision is one of the five senses that humans have. It is the sense that provides information about light and color. Vision is important for humans because it helps them to recognize people, places and things.
A person who has impaired vision may be able to get their vision back by having surgery or by wearing glasses or contact lenses.
You see a lot of things that don't exist. You must be the one who sees what isn't there.
- The Matrix
The first two lines of the movie "The Matrix" perfectly encapsulate the power and importance of vision. In order to see what is not there, we must be able to imagine it and bring it into existence. Vision is not just limited to seeing either; it also includes foresight and insight. These three qualities are necessary for any successful entrepreneur, as they are all used in some capacity in order to create something new or innovate on an existing product or service.
Vision is typically seen as a quality that only belongs to entrepreneurs, but this couldn't be further from the truth. It's important for anyone who wants to make their mark on the world
There are three major theories of vision: the retinal, the physiological and the cognitive.
The retinal theory of vision is that light passes through the eye and stimulates or excites certain cells in the retina, which then send signals to the brain. The physiological theory of vision is that light reflects off an object and enters our eyes, where it stimulates or excites certain cells in our retina, which then send signals to our brain. The cognitive theory of vision is that we see by interpreting what we see.
Vision is one of the five senses that humans have. It is the sense that provides information about light and color. Vision is important for humans because it helps them to recognize people, places and things.
A person who has impaired vision may be able to get their vision back by having surgery or by wearing glasses or contact lenses.
You see a lot of things that don't exist. You must be the one who sees what isn't there.
- The Matrix
The first two lines of the movie "The Matrix" perfectly encapsulate the power and importance of vision. In order to see what is not there, we must be able to imagine it and bring it into existence. Vision is not just limited to seeing either; it also includes foresight and insight. These three qualities are necessary for any successful entrepreneur, as they are all used in some capacity in order to create something new or innovate on an existing product or service.
Vision is typically seen as a quality that only belongs to entrepreneurs, but this couldn't be further from the truth. It's important for anyone who wants to make their mark on the world
There are three major theories of vision: the retinal, the physiological and the cognitive.
The retinal theory of vision is that light passes through the eye and stimulates or excites certain cells in the retina, which then send signals to the brain. The physiological theory of vision is that light reflects off an object and enters our eyes, where it stimulates or excites certain cells in our retina, which then send signals to our brain. The cognitive theory of vision is that we see by interpreting what we see.